Women, Ease, and the Wellness Industry

Is the wellness industry full of sh*t? Where does acupuncture fall in all of it?

Women’s history month may be nearly over, but this woman has a LOT to say— for those of you who know me, as always. 

My prayer for women is that we find ease.

My prayer for women is that we cultivate that ease for ourselves and for one another. Acupuncture, of course, has a place in all of this— but I’m biased ;)

Acupuncture creates ease for digestion, ease for sleep, ease for pain, ease for periods, ease for menopause, ease for pregnancy, ease for headaches, ease for stress, ease for grief, ease for heartbreak, and ease for so much more. 


I’m tired of the wellness industry preying upon women and selling us sh*t we don’t need— or worse, selling us products or services that claim to be magical solutions or silver bullets. There are no magical solutions. 

Acupuncture is profound— it is real; it is transformative; it has completely altered the trajectory of both my health and my life. While the experience of acupuncture can certainly feel magical, it is not the answer to all of life’s problems or the grand mystery of the universe. 

Acupuncture, like other modalities, is a tool, a strategy, an experience, that can help us to reorient ourselves to our own deepest knowing, our own truth. 

That is what I love most about acupuncture. For me, treatment is a rhythm in my life that returns me, time and time again, to what is real for me. It’s my time each week where I fall into alignment and allow the physiology of my being to come back to a place of harmony, which looks different from day to day, week to week, and year to year. 

When I go out into the world, I feel more rooted in the physicality of my very being. And, I feel more discerning. With my nervous system soothed and intact, I can more easily cut through the noise— the social media advertisements selling us everything and anything, the demands being made on our time from every direction, and the illusions of magical solutions that bombard us daily. 

I get to say “hell yes” and “hell no” with a passion and conviction I want to see more of in the world. 

And, most of all, I want to say “hell yes” to ease, to honesty, to women creating those spaces and protecting them fiercely.

For ourselves, for our mothers, for our daughters, for our sisters, for all of humanity.

A woman at ease is a woman in her power, in her body, in her knowing. And, dare I say, that’s what we need most right now. 

My intention for the studio is to create a space in which patients, particularly women, come to know ease in their bodies, minds, and spirits. 


What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?


What is Community Acupuncture?