Why am I always tired after lunch?

After you eat lunch, are you usually so, so tired?

Sitting at a desk, struggling to keep your eyes open? Feeling the desperate need to lie down?

We all love a good afternoon nap, but feeling like it’s mildly torturous to go about your day and remain in an upright position after lunch is a real drag.

If you’re saying “OMG! Yes that’s totally me!” hold tight. Things are about to get interesting.

What does Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have to say about this?

Well, feeling sleepy after meals, especially lunch, is typically reflective of this fun thing we call Spleen Qi Deficiency.

What, something’s wrong with my spleen?!

No, as always, when we discuss organ pathologies in the context of TCM, we are talking about a pattern and energetic reality more so than the anatomical organ through a biomedical (western) lens.

Okay, so back to Spleen Qi Deficiency— here are some of the common signs and symptoms.

  • Tired after meals

  • Fatigue

  • Looser, softer stools

  • Undigested food in stools

  • Bloating

  • Gas

  • Poor appetite

  • Brain fog

  • Easily bruising

Is any of this sounding familiar? If it is, we have some great news for you!

Acupuncture is phenomenal at treating Spleen Qi Deficiency.

More to the point, acupuncture strengthens your Spleen to help you:

  • Digest foods properly

  • Reduce gas and bloating

  • Boost energy levels

  • Clear mental fog

  • Poop healthy :)

What can I do at home?

The best advice we have comes down to some real simple principles of warmth. Tired Spleen Qi needs warmth! Why?

Because our body’s (therefore Spleen’s) resting temperature is around 98.6 degrees Farenheight.

So, when we consume raw or cold foods and drinks, our body has to work extra SUPER hard to warm that up in our system in order for it to be digested. This zaps our energy and slows down our digestion.

Here are some tips:

  • Food + Drink: Opt for warm, cooked foods and beverages over raw and cold.

    • Iced Coffee -> Hot Coffee

    • Salad -> Roasted Veggies + Soups

    • Yogurt + Fruit -> Oatmeal + Eggs

    • And if you want to enjoy any cold delicacies (ice cream, HELLO!), try having some hot water or tea with your cold treat to help your body digest optimally

  • Heating Pad: Try using a heating pad or hot water bottle over your belly every day, especially after meals. This will supercharge your digestive process!

  • Tea: Try enjoying some ginger tea. Ginger is going to help the digestive process and bring that vital warmth to your system.

So, are you ready to get your digestion back on track and boost your energy levels?

Book an appointment with us today, and we’ll work together to get you back to feeling awake after lunch.

Click here to get yourself on the schedule!


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